Profiles // Saudi Aramco World
The August heat draws people to the Brooklyn street. Shopkeepers in doorways call to passersby about caps, socks and belts for sale. Young mothers push strollers heavy with plastic shopping bags slung over the handles. Delivery trucks veer around potholes, jockeying for position with ...
Reviews // The Advocate
Kate Lake gives us a memoir any lesbian can understand - one car at a time
This is not your grand-father's memoir. Kate Lake's snappy little book - a collection of paintings, each accompanied by a short vignette - tells her life story as a series of snapshots, each episode embodied in ...
Essays // Newsweek International
For the third year in a row, Last Chance Pawn Shop's owner has offered up his backfield to Hammerfest, one of the biggest White Power music festivals in the nation.
Published November 12, 2001
Learn how to reboot your metabolism, build strength, and extend your life with this accessible, bestselling guidebook that demonstrates the importance of muscle for health and longevity!
Published October 17, 2023
A psychiatrist and award-winning documentarian sheds light on the mental-health-care crisis in the United States.
Published October 1, 2019
Former editor-in-chief of Seventeen and CosmoGIRL! magazines, Atoosa Rubenstein, writes about vulnerability, leaving publishing, self-love, breakups, infidelity, and surviving molestation.
For fans of Dopesick and Bad Blood, the shocking story of New York’s most infamous pill-pushing doctor, written by the prosecutor who brought him down.
Published January 19, 2021
What the latest science tells us about the brain's reward systems, love, and sex - and how to prevent an affair from destroying your life.
Various creative projects include cookbook manuscripts and new website launch.
The complete updated action plan from Ed Slott, "the best source of IRA advice" (Wall Street Journal), to help you make sure your 401(k)s, IRAs, and retirement savings aren't depleted by taxes by the time you need to use them.
The complete action plan from Ed Slott, "the best source of IRA advice" (Wall Street Journal), to help you make sure your 401(k)s, IRAs, and retirement savings aren't depleted by taxes by the time you need to use them.
The powerful and touching story of how one woman found her way—both despite and because of—the difficulties of living and racing in the remote wilderness.
Published February 4, 2020