Q&A // Service // CNN.com
Parenting is a form of activism, explains Dr. Traci Baxley, author of "Social Justice Parenting: How to Raise Compassionate, Anti-Racist, Justice-Minded Kids." "The values and actions we practice at home will be reflected in the way our children move through the world."
Published December 7, 2021
Q&A // Service // CNN.com
No one was more surprised than poet Maggie Smith that writing herself a daily pep talk during the unraveling of her marriage actually helped her feel better. Now, Smith's "Keep Moving: The Journal" inspires those who are struggling to write through their own challenges.
Published November 9, 2021
Essays // History News Network
On September 11, 2001, nearly half a million civilians in Lower Manhattan escaped by water when mariners conducted a spontaneous rescue. This was the largest waterborne evacuation in history, but has gone largely untold.
Published September 12, 2021
Essays // Brevity
“What about another book?” The editor’s email subject line announced her overture. Who would turn down such an offer? Still, I hesitated.
She was encouraging me to expand the piece I had published about the spontaneous boat evacuation of nearly half a million people from Manhattan on ...
Published September 11, 2021
Features // Essays // CNN.com
Unlike the 9/11 attacks that ruptured our world in an instant on a single day, there is no singular anniversary that signifies the beginning -- or may signal the end -- of the pandemic. We commemorate anniversaries because we need them. What do we do without them?
Published September 10, 2021
Essays // Features // NiemanStoryboard
Author Jessica DuLong considered pointillism and reader needs to tell the sweeping story of the largest maritime rescue in history
Published September 7, 2021
Features // Essays // The Daily Beast
We diminish our shared humanity when we insist on thinking of heroes as exceptional. Heroes are ordinary people facing extraordinary circumstances.
Published September 7, 2021
Q&A // Service // CNN.com
The pandemic has made it hard for parents of teens and tweens to know what's weighing on our kids or how to help, but psychologist Lisa Damour gives advice on what to do
Published August 31, 2021
Q&A // Service // CNN.com
Millions of Americans are grieving loved ones taken by Covid-19. Yet even outside of a pandemic — with its staggering losses of lives, homes, economic security and normalcy — grief is hard work.
"The funny thing about grief is that no one ever feels like they're doing it the right way," ...
Q&A // Service // CNN.com
With chapters on loving yourself, yoga poses, cultural appropriation, "white guilt" and more, Jessamyn Stanley's "Yoke" explores the "yoga of the everyday," applying lessons learned on the mat to the challenges of living.
Features // Service // CNN.com
Pandemic deaths, insurrections, terrorism, police brutality and hate crimes force parents to consider sharing traumatizing news with our children. A 9/11 responder considers how to do it.
Q&A // CNN.com
Even nonphysicists who have been stuck in endless lockdown loops are increasingly aware of a different sort of time, dubbed "Blursday." Is quarantine revealing time's less linear and more authentic plastic, elastic nature? Author Susanne Paola Antonetta weighs in.