
A selection of Jessica DuLong’s features, interviews, profiles, essays, and collaborations.

From the Earth to the Moon: The West Point Foundry—Cold Spring, New York’s Monument to the American Industrial Revolution

As one of the nation’s largest and most successful nineteenth-century ironworks, the West Point Foundry made landmark contributions to United States history—not only because of what it made and how it made it, but also because the company’s novel structure proved to be a bellwether of the US progression toward a modern industrial economy.

Published December 1, 2010

The Gender Spectrum

Sometimes checking off just one box, "male" or "female," doesn't tell the whole story. From the minute we're born, we get labeled pink or blue, girl or boy. That label is supposed to indicate who we'll be and who we'll grow up to love. But despite the fact that our world is divided into ...

Published October 1, 2007

Rush Hour

Annette Van Horn had known for some time that there were problems with her marriage, but she didn't get the courage to do anything about it until she learned to fly a plane. After only a day of instruction, she sat in the pilot's seat.

Published November 1, 2016

Hot For Teacher

What happens when the people you're learning from are abusing their power? Police in Wilmington, Delaware, won't say exactly what happened between 34-year-old science teacher Rachel Holt and her sixth-grade student, but the case file paints a grim picture. In one document, Holt confesses ...

Published September 1, 2006

When Kids Get Crushes

Love is in the air this month - and there's a good chance your preteen has noticed. By fourth or fifth grade, many kids, especially girls, experience their first crush. Playing at romance is a normal part of social development, and it's one way to practice being grown up. Crushes also ...

Published February 1, 2003

Shooting Pains: “The Camera My Mother Gave Me”

Susanna Kaysen on how a medical condition redefined her sexuality. There are lots of things that might worry you on the day the book about your sore pussy comes out in stores. Susanna Kaysen is worried about dating. "First I was famous for being a crazy girl, and now I can be famous for ...

Published October 1, 2021

Below Decks

An excerpt from the original essay published in the collection, "Steady as She Goes: Women's Adventures at Sea" (Seal Press, 2003). Edited by Barbara Sjoholm.

Published September 25, 2003

Moving from Help Wanted to Help Found

Driving around among the windowless, steel-sided buildings in South Bend, Ind., I missed, at first glance, the faded sign for Value Production, Inc., but not the hand-stenciled sign on the front lawn, its slightly crooked letters spelling out: “HELP WANTED CNC PROGRAMMERS.”

Published August 1, 2008

Faces of War

The war in Iraq can feel like it's a world away. But for millions it hits close to home. Sometimes we get so caught up in our day-to-day lives, it's hard to pay attention to what's happening in the world. For more than five years, our country has been at war in the Middle East, but unless ...

Published April 1, 2008

Ultimate Rebellion: Girls Who Kill Their Parents

Dressed in a baggy orange prison uniform, her ankles cuffed together with a short chain, 15-year-old Kayla LaSala takes baby steps down the hallway of the Mercer County Courthouse in Princeton, West Virginia. As she approaches the courtroom, she sees her grandmother Betty Johnson sitting on a bench.

Published September 1, 2005