
A selection of Jessica DuLong’s features, interviews, profiles, essays, and collaborations.

Coming to terms with chronic illness and grief over what’s lost

In "What Doesn't Kill You: A Life with Chronic Illness — Lessons from a Body in Revolt" Tessa Miller shares life lessons she absorbed while learning to grieve the self she'd once been and the future she might have had en route to accepting who she was.

Published February 17, 2021

The power of a real apology

Susan Shapiro, author of "The Forgiveness Tour: How to Find the Perfect Apology," shares the four essential elements of a full apology. She offers more nuanced alternatives to issuing — or asking for — blanket absolution.

Published January 12, 2021

How to deal with grief — and persevere — mid-pandemic

When she began writing her new book, "Keep Moving," poet Maggie Smith had no idea how much the world would be suffering by the time it came out. Her "notes to self" have resonated deeply with many struggling to grieve our own mid-pandemic losses.

Published November 30, 2020

Girls with power tools build their way to focus and calm

"Girls Who Build," released today, is by Katie Hughes, who founded the Girls Build nonprofit after getting frustrated at being the only woman on construction work sites. She started teaching classes to girls ages 8-14, on how to drill, saw, and weld.

Published October 6, 2020

How parental self-care helps kids weather pandemic stress

Parents are running on empty as the pandemic drags on. Many families are struggling to patch together child care to cover the basics, never mind slotting in parental self-care. Here's why replenishing reserves matters for your kids' well-being.

Published September 28, 2020

Not just for tomboys (and their parents): Kids and gender roles

"Tomboy: The Surprising History and Future of Girls Who Dare to Be Different" by Lisa Selin Davis not only explores how tomboys fit into our understanding of gender identity and expression but how rigid gender roles affect our kids and their perception of self.

Published August 11, 2020

A father’s guide to raising good men

Some parents feel no choice but to have "the talk" with their children about the dangers of racism and sexism. Aaron Gouveia, author of "Raising Boys to Be Good Men" offers parenting tips to help raise happy sons in a world filled with toxic masculinity.

Published June 16, 2020

Celebrating Pride around the world

As 2019 marks the 50th anniversary of the Stonewall protests, Pride events around the world take on special significance. Find out where to go and what to do.

Published May 17, 2019

The 9/11 rescue that we need to hear more about

The boatlift that helped civilians in Manhattan during the 9/11 attacks is the largest and fastest maritime evacuation, but it's not as recognized as the Dunkirk mission of WWII.

Published August 17, 2017

The Untold Story of Ground Zero Evacuations by Boat

All at once the air turned “a very weird color, like a greenish grey,” recalls Staten Island Ferry Captain James Parese. At that moment he was sprinting across the upper deck of the Samuel I. Newhouse, preparing to pull the ferryboat away from the slip at the southern tip of Manhattan, when ...

Published September 13, 2011

In the Trenches

From firefighters to engineers to construction workers, women in nontraditional occupations have been toiling to rescue individuals and restore office structures nearby.

Published October 20, 2001