Q&A // Service // CNN.com
“Good inside” allows parents to follow their intuition with interventions that help in the short term and build the skills our kids need in adulthood.
Published November 4, 2022
Q&A // Service // CNN.com
The slogan “Good Vibes Only” makes “a cute saying for a mug but a pretty ominous interpersonal standard,” says Nora McInerny, author of "BAD VIBES ONLY." She suggests honesty and underachievement as goals better suited to reality.
Published October 24, 2022
Q&A // Service // CNN.com
Condemning modern medicine’s failures, Dr. Haider Warraich calls for a more holistic, interdisciplinary approach to chronic pain.
Q&A // Service // CNN.com
Shame's evolutionary function—to reengage people with their communities—has been hijacked by parties seeking profit and power, O'Neil contends.
Q&A // Service // CNN.com
Holistic psychiatrist and author of The Anatomy of Anxiety, Ellen Vora, shares how you can take steps to get your body into better balance, which helps ease anxiety symptoms.
Q&A // Service // CNN.com
As Covid-19 infection rates fall, doctors and patients are sifting through the wreckage of symptoms left behind. Poet and author Meghan O'Rourke's call for medical system changes could help people struggling with chronic illness as well as the increasing ranks of those affected by long Covid.
Q&A // Service // CNN.com
We know changes in the weather and seasons can affect mood, causing run-of-the-mill rainy-day blues and seasonal affective disorder. Now, it's also important to recognize the harmful mental and physical health effects of long-term climate change.
Published January 28, 2022
Q&A // Service // CNN.com
Self-care alone is not the only ingredient for happiness and peace of mind, said "The War for Kindness" author Jamil Zaki. Helping others provides a fast track to improving our own well-being.
Published January 25, 2022
Q&A // Service // CNN.com
Adding self-care to your mile-long to-do list can feel impossible when you're already juggling too much. Instead of calling it self-care, says Zibby Owens, let's think of it as reclaiming time for life.
Published December 28, 2021
Q&A // Service // CNN.com
Parenting is a form of activism, explains Dr. Traci Baxley, author of "Social Justice Parenting: How to Raise Compassionate, Anti-Racist, Justice-Minded Kids." "The values and actions we practice at home will be reflected in the way our children move through the world."
Published December 7, 2021
Q&A // Service // CNN.com
No one was more surprised than poet Maggie Smith that writing herself a daily pep talk during the unraveling of her marriage actually helped her feel better. Now, Smith's "Keep Moving: The Journal" inspires those who are struggling to write through their own challenges.
Published November 9, 2021
Essays // History News Network
On September 11, 2001, nearly half a million civilians in Lower Manhattan escaped by water when mariners conducted a spontaneous rescue. This was the largest waterborne evacuation in history, but has gone largely untold.
Published September 12, 2021