Publisher: Blackstone Publishing

Epic Solitude: A Story of Survival and A Quest for Meaning in the Far North

Katherine Keith
February 4, 2020

In the tradition of Cheryl Strayed’s Wild and John Krakauer’s Into the Wild, Epic Solitude chronicles how Iditarod musher/triathlete/budding alpinist Katherine Keith takes solace in the remote Alaskan terrain that feeds her soul even as it threatens her survival. This powerful story of adventure, loss, and perseverance shares how Keith finds her way both despite and because of the difficulties of living and racing in the remote wilderness.

Epic Solitude is an “intense and uplifting treatise on self-exploration [that] celebrates the resiliency of the human spirit.”

Publishers Weekly

In Epic Solitude, Keith “writes the full, unflattering truth about her own faults and failings, and doesn’t gloss over a single event of the worst mistake of her life — one that leads to an incredible tragedy.”

Traveling in Books

”[Keith] tells her story with brutal honesty, unafraid to ask difficult questions and face the answers, while making clear the deep passion she feels for her sport and her love for her dogs. This is a story of survival and triumph in an unforgiving place, told by someone who understands that despite the solitude, the journey forward is always, somehow, a shared one.”
