

Ten Years Later: Closure is a myth

Over these past few weeks, I've struggled to prepare for four separate September 11th-related projects and events: writing a story about mariners' crucial role in the aftermath of the towers' collapse (I'll post the link shortly), a private commemoration aboard...

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Fireboat John J. Harvey faces Hurricane Irene

The news about the impact of Hurricane Irene on the Manhattan waterfront was grim so we fired up engines aboard fireboat John J. Harvey at 0500 on Saturday morning and headed upriver with a skeleton crew (Huntley Gill, Karl Schuman, John Browne, Tommy Whyte, and I),...

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Poor Cold Fireboat John J. Harvey

  The bucket of water I left in the engine room of Fireboat John J. Harvey to gauge real temperatures in the oldest, most rudimentary way known to man has an inch of water at the top. Can't imagine what's happening in the 78-year-old pipes that we can't drain...

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