The Humanity of Heroes: Life Lessons from History
A Multidisciplinary Approach
On September 11, 2001, mariners evacuated nearly half a million people off Manhattan Island in an entirely unplanned boat lift. Inside the burning World Trade Center towers, first responders and civilians took valorous steps to rescue others.
Ordinary people taking selfless action amid extraordinary circumstances reveal the humanness of heroism. Teaching this landmark local and world history allows future generations to recognize the altruism that arises amid disasters.
Jessica DuLong, independent historian and author of SAVED AT THE SEAWALL: Stories from the September 11 Boat Lift, and Patricia Curry Radigan, a Brooklyn-based public and private school educator, team up to explore a multidisciplinary, K-12 curriculum covering rescue efforts at the WTC.
Through lessons incorporating social/emotional learning, language arts, social studies, and STEAM along with history, students will be encouraged to recognize how each of us has choices to use the tools, skills, and ingenuity at our disposal to help others.